Sunday, January 24, 2010

No Secrets!

I must be grumpy .. I've had a weird weekend!

Sadie spent the weekend with her dad and within the first 5 minutes of being home from her dads she got sent to time out. She comes home I give her a big hug and tell her I missed her. She gets a grumpy look on her face and yells "I'm not telling you anything, it's none of your business!". So she got sent to her room until she could talk nice. How sad is that!? She came down and said she would talk nice to me and then she layed on the couch and cuddled with me. I told her that I don't ask her to not tell anyone else things about our house. I told her that if anyone ever asks her to keep a secret that she needs to tell someone. I told her that she is my business and she doesn't need to keep secrets. She then told me that Jamie (Brocks girlfriend) told her to not tell me anything about when Sadie goes to her daddys. I told her that I just need to know if she had fun and if they were nice to her. I told her that she can tell daddy anything that happens at our house because I don't need her to keep secrets. GRRRRR!!!

Poor Sadie is right in the middle of all of this ... She was doing so well for a while coming and going from daddys house, because the girlfriend had moved out. Now that she is back Sadie is struggling again, it takes her time to adapt back to being at moms and it takes more coaxing to get her to want to go to her dads. Does he not see this!? Does he not understand that Sadie is the number one priority and he needs to accomodate to her as well!? It's not her fault that her parents are divorced!


Grandma Duffy said...

Poor little kids are so caught in the middle. She should be able to talk about anything she wants to. Sorry. This isn't fair to either of you!! Love you!!

Shelley said...

Poor little girl! Good thing you are a great mom and you have a great realationship so hopefully she will talk to you if she ever needs to. Hang in there!

*Heather* said...

I am so sorry! That is hard for you & for Sadie. I know that it sucks being the kid in a divorce, but you have every right to know what is going on to keep her safe. She is a good girl & I am sure she will talk to you. You are a great mom!