Thursday, August 19, 2010

June 2010

WOW! Summer has flown by and I sure haven't posted anything to my blog! Oops! Here are some pictures.

Sadie went camping to Sourdough with just her, grandma, and grandpa. She sure does love these guys!

Here's a couple of pictures from Fathers Day. Sadie LOVES to climb trees!

And we went camping to Sourdough again. Here's a pic of Sadie and her cousins playing on the hammock.

We went to Toads one night and mini golfed, went on the Go-Karts, and played the games. Sadie LOVED the Go-Karts ... the 3rd picture on the below is one I took while we were riding the go-karts. After we got done at Toads it was about midnight, we went to IHop after and had breakfast .. lol It was a fun night!

We also ventured to the Willard Bay and played on the beach. Sadie is a fish out of water.