Monday, December 14, 2009

Ms. Manners

So today Sadie and I were driving home from grandma's house after work and Sadie is talking talking talking. She is telling me about how she had a new bus driver and she was the one who got to tell him where the stops were. Another little girl on the bus was mad because she wanted to so she stuck her tounge out at Sadie. I said "What a silly girl" and Sadie told me she's not silly "6 year olds have manners .. I didn't stick my tounge out .. roll my eyes... or do anything with my middle finger." I started laughing and Sadie didn't understand why I got such a kick out of it. I even had to call and tell my mom because I thought it was so funny.

Sadie really doesn't know what the "middle finger" means. But anytime she is doing something and that is the only finger that is sticking up I have to tell her that it needs to have another finger up with it. She just knows it isn't nice. :)

I love this little girl more than anything in this whole wide world!! She is a sweetheart (most of the time)! She LOVES to sing and make up songs; she can do it for HOURS.

(She took this picture of herself a couple of months ago ... lol .. she even arranged the lovely backdrop and flower)